Weather; Cloudy with sunny spells, cold, wind E F2-3
There was a decent cross section of summer migrants arriving in the Leasowe area today although there were no large numbers of any species. The long staying male Ring Ouzel was being seen regularly throughout the day although often distant. Best viewed by looking south from the back of Kerr's field over the Birkett or east from Lingham lane across the horse paddocks.
Colour ringed Little Ringed Plover in the paddocks. EW |
New arrivals included two male Redstarts, one at the bottom of the nature trail with another off Lingham Lane. 12 Wheatears were in the paddocks where a Little Ringed Plover joined them in the afternoon before flying off high to the north east. A Grasshopper Warbler was showing well occasionally just inland from the paddocks. Other migrants included 2 Lesser Whitethroats, a Yellow Wagtail, 4 White Wagtails, 6 Blackcaps and 20 Willow Warblers. Some of the latter were very grey and white with no traces of yellow, possibly of the northern race acredula. Reed Warblers continue to arrive with birds singing from Lingham Lane as well as their usual breeding territories near the pond.A male Whinchat spent most of the day in Kerr's field. 14 Sand Martins passed east.
Ring Ouzel. AMC |
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