Sunday, 20 August 2017

Weather , mainly cloudy sunny intervals showers later , wind SW force 2.

With summer slowly fading into autumn a trickle of migrants are passing through at the Lighthouse on their way back to the winter haunts , the predicted strong winds from the Atlantic hurricane failed to materialise With Saturday being the better of the two days for a sea watch
                                                                                             Wheatear by Tim Kinch

 The first of the migrants seen passing through were 4 Wheatears  one hunkered down in Kerr's field whilst the other 3 flitted between the embankment , nature trail and groyne mid morning,

A Whinchat was reported from the horse paddock's this pm.

 A large number of Swallows are making the most of the good supply of flying insects off park lane before their long journey south and 4 Stonechat were also making the most of insects in the reeds along the river birket west of the Lighthouse,

An adult Mediterranean Gull in winter plumage  flew north west over Lingham Farm but couldn't be relocated on the sea front, 
Observers KD DH TK JB TE  GC  .

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