Birding news from Leasowe Lighthouse and North Wirral
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Weather, rain am dry and cloudy pm. wind west north west 10mph, June has been quite a quiet month at the Lighthouse with most of the excitement centered on other parts of the country with Needle tailed Swift's and Elegant Terns being the pick of the bunch , Seasoned Lighthouse regulars have kept their eyes to the skies and tree tops with few rewards
Today was the exception despite the poor weather this morning a stunning adult Mediterranean Gull was spotted just off the seafront near the lifeboat station at Hoylake this was the same bird spotted at Hilbre Island at lunchtime
A typical sunny June morning at the lighthouse with migration largely over attention is focused on the breeding season .
Chiffchaff GC
When the first Lesser Whitethroats arrived On the 29th of April on Lingham Lane lighthouse regulars speculated whether or not they would breed, For the past month the Lesser Whitethroat have been quiet and apart from brief sightings and could easily be overlooked if not aware of their presence, This morning an observer watched for over 20 minutes a pair come and go from a hedgerow with food , hopefully in the next week or so we will be rewarded with views of some fledglings