With the years highest tides occurring this weekend, Parkgate was very much the place to be with good numbers of Raptors, waders and wildfowl being recorded on the flood tide.
The Laughing Gull continues to be a draw at New Brighton. At Hoylake another scarce Wirral gull was located mid afternoon at Kings Gap. A 1st year Glaucous Gull was found amongst the thousands of larger gulls at approximately 2.30. The bird remained until at least 3.20pm allowing a few locals to twitch what has become a rare Wirral bird.
White wings Gulls on Wirral tend to come through in March or April as our bird last year (see last years entry 4th April), so today's bird falls a little earlier than we have come to expect.
Some pretty poor record shots were managed but considering the distance (1km) observers did well to get anything at all !!
Offshore, huge number of Common Scoter continue seen from Hoylake promenade with a conservative estimate of c 3000 birds. We continue to look hard for Wirrals first Surf Scoter but no joy. Yet !!
Centre bird . The distinctive Tertial step of Glaucous is just about visible in this photo (AMC) |
Middle bird, primaries obscured by Herring Gull (AEH) |