Weather: SE-2, cold and sunny
Little of interest was on the sea today bar a few Common Scoter,Gannet and Red throated Diver.5 Goldeneye yesterday were our first of the winter.
At about 15.00 this afternoon I received a call from good pal Tony Bell about a Garden Warbler in his West Kirby garden. I suggested this was particularly late for this species and that I might pop around to see it. Lying on the sofa and struck down with man flu I couldn't decide if I wanted to or indeed was capable of dragging myself away from the fire. I am glad I did as after a 20 minute wait a Barred Warbler flew from cover and up into Tony's apple tree. I quickly put the news out and the first locals arrived within minutes. This 1st winter bird showed the relevant features including, some slight flank barring a pale (ish) eye with dark iris and the clincher, dark tipped under tail coverts. In fairness to Tony the light was pretty poor by this point and the bird was nearly always obscured by foliage and apples so Barred Warbler wouldn't necessarily be your first thought. Many many thanks to Tony for the phone call and allowing the locals into his house to see this great bird and congratulations on his great find. .